A New Year means new goals and a new focus for businesses. The strategy for 2022 may have already been decided but what better way to tell the team about it than to get them all round the same table for a face-to-face meeting. As there are currently limited COVID restrictions in place, we say make the most of it and, if you can, assemble your colleagues and incentivise them to come to the meeting with lunch! And if that’s not a good enough reason, we’ve got 5 more that may make you think differently…
You’ve Been Apart For So Long
Although COVID is unfortunately still very much a part of our lives, we’ve certainly had enough of those dreaded Zoom calls. Not to mention the new way in which we work often between the office and our homes means that colleagues are coming and going and no one’s really sure when they’re going to see each other next.
So, if you are able to, and if your colleagues are comfortable with it, whilst restrictions allow, why not bring everyone together in one room for an old-fashioned meeting. Nobody will be on mute or be able to “accidently” change their filter, and it will be lovely to see everyone in-person rather than just a head and shoulders on a screen.
For some of you, you’ve probably not been in the office for the best part of two years, and whilst the other parts of your life may have returned to some normality, we think your working life should too!
Realign Goals & Targets
Do you ever send an email and then think to yourself did what I actually want to say come across? Or do you worry that you were too forceful or patronizing? Now imagine trying to convey an important business strategy via email or by phone. It’s just not quite the same.

Realigning your team’s goals for the new business year ahead is essential. You want everyone singing off the same hymn sheet so that the business’ overall targets are achieved and the best way to do this is in person with a presentation. Giving visual aids is perfect for those members of your team that need to see something to comprehend it and if something doesn’t make sense then you’re there to answer straight away – sounds so much better than playing email tennis, right?
Equally, if somebody has a new idea then this is the ideal scenario for them to share it and for the team to discuss.
Meet New Team Members & Build Relationships
It’s funny to think that with all the remote working people have been doing that they won’t have met some of their colleagues if they started during the pandemic.
It’s hard enough being the newbie in any job but starting in a global pandemic is a whole different kettle of fish. It’s hard to put a face to a name unless you’d had multiple Zooms with each different department of the business (unlikely!) not to mention learning about the structure and hierarchy of everything. So, organising an in-person meeting is the perfect solution!

Not only will new team members get to meet everyone, existing members of staff will also be able to properly welcome and get to know the new people! Chatting face-to-face is the best way to build relationships within your team and for everyone to get to know each other. Stronger relationships means better communication and therefore better results!
For Productivity & Focus
Imagine you’re working from home day in day out. You notice that you need to put on that pile of washing. You check your phone more often than you would if you were in the office. You have the TV on in the background. Not necessarily bad behaviours, but we should probably be paying more attention to our work…
Meeting in person can help inspire and drive motivation within your team, meaning they’ll be more likely to put in the hours and focus on their daily tasks. No one can blame them, it’s so easy to get distracted with different bits and bobs working from home, but with a little more inspiration and encouragement for the year ahead, we bet your colleagues will be ready and raring to go in the New Year and beyond!

After being shut away for most of 2020 and a portion of 2021, 2022 feels like the right time for businesses to get back together with their teams whether that’s for a meeting, lunch, dinner, networking event or teambuilding activity. Humans rely on real, genuine connections so it’s just as important to have a social aspect of your work life.
So, if permitted, and if your colleagues agree, why not do an activity together and get to know each other or, if you know each other already have a good old catch up!

Did you know you can book The Jazz Café for your next lunch or dinner meeting? We have an onsite projector and screen if you wish to make a presentation and a tasty menu suitable for all tastes. If you’re thinking of hosting a larger event, like a networking evening, or company party, let us help you! To enquire about venue hire please send an email to office@thejazzcafe.co.uk or call 01189 681 442.